Sarah suggested today that I write s book. 56 things I've learned in 56 years. I am not sure if these are in the right order. But. Here goes.
1. Find a job you love.
2. Marry only when you can't imagine your life without him or her.
3. Have children.
4. Go to church.
5. Pray often.
6. Avoid negative people.
7. Volunteer.
8. Recycle.
9. Pray.
10. Read a Lot.
11. Have a best friend.
12. Buy a house.
13. Learn some basic carpentry skills.
14. Hug someone you love everyday.
15. Take long walks.
16. Go on vacation.
17. Have a best friend.
18. Get a gym membership.
19. Get a library card
20. Learn how to swim. And sew.
21. Take lots of pictures.
22. Treasure your grandparents.
23. Never smoke.
24. Drink only in moderation.
25. Play in the snow.
26. Write thank you notes.
27. Read to your kids.
28. Get a dog.
29. Plant a garden.
30. Take family vacations.
31. Go see Wahington, D. C.
32. Never take one moment for granted.
33. Watch old movies like Casablanca and Gone with the Wind.
34. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
35. Read the Constitution. All of it. Twice.
36. Join a non profit organization.
37. Write your congressman.
38. Vote. In every election.
39. Call your mom or dad every day.
40. Learn how to play poker.
41. Go on a mission trip.
42. Learn how to cook.
43. Travel.
44. Read the Bible. All of it.
45. Learn to fish.
46. Don't get lazy.
47. Remember your siblings. They know how you grew up.
48. Nothing last forever.
49. The glass is always half full.
50. People will always fail. Love them anyway.
51. Donate time and money when you can
52. Never use credit.
53. If you do use credit, pay off your balances as quickly as you can
54. Save your money!
55. Never drink and drive.
56. Never smoke. Anything. Ever.