Wow. My last post was on Father's Day....June. That's almost four months ago. As I grow older, time seems to literally go by faster. I had always heard that truism from my aunts, but I now believe it. How can it be that I am starting my 30th year as a teacher at Archbishop O'Hara? How can it be that I have three children, ages 21, 23, and 25.
Somehow I let the first year anniversary of my dad's death pass by. Jack and Phil and I gathered in Jefferson City last Saturday and finally settled Dad's estate. I don't see them as much as I would like. Somehow we are all too busy living our lives to spend much quality time with each other. I have vowed to drag them, kicking and screaming, if necessary, into more "quality time opportunities." Dad always made time for his sister and their families; and I am desperately trying to keep up the tradition, planning another trip to Iowa this very weekend. Iowa and my aunt's farm have become an anchor for me in many ways. Mom and Dad moved from our family home in 2002 and although they had a lovely home in Jefferson City, it was never, quite home. But, somehow, my aunt Barbara's farm in Iowa is that anchor. I grew up there. My kids grew up there. And, although Aunt Barbara is 95, I still find solace and comfort in her "place." I can't wait to see Aunts Betty and Barbara!