Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post Election Reflection

Like many Americans, I woke today with a heavy and troubled heart.  Our newly elected President represents for me much of what is worst about our people and culture.  We have no guide but his own words and they are troubling.  Building a wall, banning refugees, attacking a Gold Star mother, making fun of women.....these are things that candidate Trump did because they played well with his base audience, primarily white men who have found themselves caught up in a world that is rapidly changing and that they feel is leaving them behind. (For historical reference this happened in the 1920s and it gave rise to the revival of the KKK and the worse features of fundamentalist Protestantism (Scopes Monkey Trial) and a resurgence of nativism. )  Now president elect, he has to find a way to be the leader of all of us and I'm not sure he is tempermentally suited or intellectually prepared for the task.  But, we are stuck with him.  And, so what to do?  I cheered myself with the fact that like all Americans, I got up and went to work as I do every day.  I posted some hopeful, optimistic thoughts and took comfort from the words of faith and courage that others posted.  But, I am fundamentally saddened and it may take more than a few weeks, days, months and much reflection before I can move from sadness to action.  I can protect the children entrusted to my care and do everything I can to dispel the ideas that Trump seems to embody, that it is all right to bully those less fortunate or strong than you, that it is all right to appeal to the worst in our character and not our best, that it is all right to fear those who are different from you. For my own sanity, I think I will try and walk more, cook more, knit more, read more history (it gives me great comfort); and, later, when I am a little less sad and more emboldened, I will find a way to help those less fortunate than myself.  I will remain engaged in politics and encourage our best and brightest minds to do so as well.  I will smile and hope and love and greet all I meet with enthusiasm and grace.  Tomorrow, because St. Paul had it, faith and hope abound and the greatest of these (for me) is hope.