Monday, December 31, 2012


A new year looms...and in some ways it's a scary world out there.  Fiscal cliff, recalcitrant Congress, school shootings, children who are young adults navigating the shoals of relationships, careers, and college, a Diocese attempting to close a school and open another.  It's a year without my dad, the first I've faced in 57 years.

And, so I have been thinking about this new year full of possibilities, hope, and questions.  I'm not much of one for resolutions, but, I have put together a list of things that I want to do to make life richer and fuller.

1.  I want to laugh more.  Bill accused me just yesterday of having no sense of humor.  I happen to think I do have a sense of humor; I just don't think most of what he says is funny.  But, that said, I think it is important for us to laugh at the absurdities of life, at bad jokes, and sometimes at ourselves.

2.  I want to learn to make a good pie, with an excellent piecrust.  I think I finally have the best equipment, a Cuisinart that the kids bought me for Christmas.  So, even though I'm trying to lose weight, I want to make a pie like my grandmother did.  Wow, were they good!  My grandfather Wright always claimed that he would eat dessert first so that he could enjoy it.  I believe she made a pie each week for him.

3.  I want to learn the names of the birds that I've been feeding all winter.  I know the standard ones, the Cardinal and the woodpecker; but, I'd like to know the others.  I put up dad's bird feeder and I think I would like to add another.

4.  I want to stick with the exercise regime that I've started.  Ok, I'm on day 2; but still.  I've been trekking to Legacy Park.  It is so nice to work out there, especially since I no longer work there.  :)  I would to stay in touch with my friends from there though.  They are good people doing a tough job for low wages.

5.  I want to go to Gettysburg Battlefield site this summer, for the 150 anniversary of the battle.  I would like to go with my brothers.  I don't have to go on the exact 150th date, but I think it would be good to visit there on the 150th anniversary and remember the men who died there so that the Union would be preserved.  And, despite our many problems, it is a country worth working for and committing to, as hundreds and thousands of folks in armed services do each day.

6.  I really want to learn to knit and crochet.  I finally found a place, Joanns, that actually has classes.  I learned to knit and crochet in high school home economics.  But, I need a refresher.  I want to make baby blankets.

7.  I want to visit my elderly aunts and uncles this year.  They were so important to me as a young child and I want to stay in touch with them.  So, I'm planning trips to Iowa, Detroit, Palm Desert, and Tullahoma this year.

8.  I have a whole list of ideas around books.  I am reading a biography of James Garfield and I have some others on Ford, Carter, and Nixon in my to be read stack.  And, I want to read some really good young adult literature.  I think that's the librarian in secret career that got away.  And, I want to keep collecting children's books.  I don't have any little ones really to share them with, but maybe one day I will.  And, I want to read across the political spectrum, so I've ordered up a subscription to National Review, Time, the New Republic on my ipad.  I want to remember that I am a part of a larger world, so I want to learn more about the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

9.  I want to be a better teacher.  I am trying to figure out how to better use the ipad and other technologies.

10.  And finally, I want to be more thankful, generous and kind.  I want to worry about those things that matter and let those things that don't slip away.

It's going to be a great year!

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