Monday, December 30, 2013

Words for 2014

Matt recently took a Leadership class at Rockhurst last semester.  They were challenged to write a "vision statement."  I'd seen Stephen Covey's work on vision and mission statements and so I decided to write my own, which my son later shared with his classmates (Thanks, Matt).

Cherishing family, always learning, striving to be a part of the solution.  

What do you think?

Now, I am working on a one word or phrase for 2014, after reading Gretchen Rubin's Happier at Home blog in which she confesses to being "stuck" trying to think of a word or phrase for 2014.  I haven't narrowed mine down yet....I do have one more day.  Some ones I am pondering.

Grace (looking for the moments, the people, the places that grace our lives)
Live (in the moment)
Cherish (today, tomorrow, family, job, friends)
Serendipity (I have always LOVED that word and enjoy looking for the occasions of serendipity in my life.)
Joy (in the little things)
Kind (which is what I am always urging my kids and students to be)

Um....I will have to see which ones speak to me tomorrow.

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